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September 20, 2021
After witnessing the early effects of the expanding epidemic, Evoort could see an immediate need to use remote assistance to help service customers and support both field and production operations. The widespread use of AR/VR technologies in manufacturing will have a significant influence on how teams interact. Every day, new and fascinating use cases emerge, but one appears to offer more advantages than just information transmission. Remote Expert Assistance is a realistic use case that can help businesses achieve their sustainability goals while reducing trip expenditures. Time is of importance when a manufacturing line fails. Operators must get problematic machinery back in operation as soon as feasible to safeguard the business. Previously, a technician would have to fly out to the location and manually check the equipment to diagnose and repair the problem. The manufacturing industry is already embracing a new methodology known as “remote assistance,” which eliminates necessary on-site visits. Using cutting-edge technology, service professionals can get production lines up and running in hours rather than days, improving productivity and profitability for businesses.
The remote assistance platform uses augmented reality to create a virtual environment in which a person in need of assistance ‘meets’ an expert in real-time through video conferences to solve a complicated problem. This technology is being adopted by a wide range of industries, including medical devices and health care, manufacturing, transportation, energy, and oil and gas, to mention a few. Equipment inspections, utility outages, equipment training, scheduled shutdown maintenance, customer assistance, and other uses are all available in the sector.

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