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IGET Legend Plain Coffee | Infinity Vape Supply

The IGET Legend Plain Coffee is packaged in a vape and is identical to a double shot of espresso. creating a subtle yet sophisticated taste of Arabian coffee while sprinkling off a lovely aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans. Your ideal companion for the work-day commute. Sometimes, we at Infinity Vape Supply offer discounts and sales on the items you enjoy purchasing.

The most advanced disposable IGET Legend device, with 4000+ puffs, is currently available. With its ergonomic mouthpiece and metal body, it is a flawlessly classy device. The entire body is made of premium aluminum, keeping the flavors fresh to a high standard.
Product Features:

Product Brand:IGET VAPE
Puffs Count: 4000+
Battery Capacity: 1350 mAh
Nicotine Strength: 5%
E-Juice: 12 mL


IGET Legend Plain Coffee: $42.00

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